<BGSOUND SRC="audio/ABugsLife.mid">

Hi all I am Sophie a four year old Papillon dog, which means Butterfly
My ears are my pride and joy because I can even hear birds flutter by.
I'm the boss and I have my owners well trained to see to my every whim
And I wear them out playing ball because I am so full of vigour and vim.
I understand languages and I love it when I go for a walk, because I bark
This sets all the other dogs going in the village but I only do it for a lark.
I like to help my owners read the newspaper by sprawling across the page
And I know exactly what the time is for my treat, my owners say I'm sage.
I brighten up a sad face with all my antics and I can keep any secrets too
I love it when I go out walkies. My goal is to find a tree to use as a loo
My owners say I have been a lifeline for them and I am a faithful friend
And my devotion to them both is something on which they can depend.
So may I say I am very proud to be with others pets who just like me
Are all loved and cherished by their owners and just as lucky you see

Complete My Jigsaw

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